SHAC Meetings for 2024/2025
School year: 2024/2025
Semester 1- December 16 at 4:15 in School Library
Semester 2- TBA
SHAC Members 2024/2025
Stephanie Rea - District Nurse
Tonya Harris - Superintendent
Kristi Sargent - Executive Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Accountability
Jackie Conners - Counselor
Courtney Mears - PE Coach/Parent
Holli Merkel - Elementary Principal/Parent
Melissa Arellano - Director of Child Nutrition/Parent
Amber Versch - Parent
Kristin Bowman - Parent
Desiree Linder - Parent
Purpose: To provide an efficient, effective structure for implementing health education and early intervention and prevention of unhealthy risk behaviors developed early in life.
What is SHAC? A SHAC is a group of individuals representing segments of the community and school district which provides coordinated school health (CSH) programming and its impact on student health and learning.
Membership: Every independent school district is required by law to have a school health advisory council (SHAC) of which the majority of members must be parents who are not employed by the school district. The SHAC is annually appointed by the local education agency Board of Trustees.
Members may include:
Public school administrators
District students
Health care professionals
The business community
Law enforcement
Senior citizens
The clergy
Nonprofit health organizations
Meetings: Senate Bill 283: The council is required to meet at least four times a year and must annually submit recommendations regarding the district's health education curriculum.
Voting procedures: The voting process is as follows: One-half of the members must be present for a vote to be taken and two thirds must vote for a motion for approval.
Committees: To be assigned as needed.
Communications: All S.H.A.C. activities and communications as well as reporting procedures should be routed through the designated contact person. At this time, the contact person is the Chair person.
Amendments: The procedure to be used for amending bylaws, has not yet been determined.
Philosophy Statement: The primary function of a school is to provide students with the learning experiences necessary for maximum intellectual development. The success of this process is affected by the child's emotional, social and physical health. For this reason the purpose of coordinated school health programming is twofold: first, to consider the total human being in the educational process, and second, to motivate students to help themselves and others to live healthy, productive lives.