about 4 years ago, Mark Parsons, Superintendent
There will only be a Varsity Girls game this Friday at 4 vs Blooming Grove in the SEC. And only a Varsity girls game on Saturday in Mildred at 12 noon. Tickets are available for both games on the school website.
about 4 years ago, Stephen Montgomery
HS Girls Basketball @ Mildred Nov. 7, 2020 Ticket Information- Visit the Mildred ISD Athletic Website click on the link labeled "Buy Your Tickets Here" Use Code EAGLES2020. Link: https://www.mildredisd.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=866822&type=d&pREC_ID=1808498
about 4 years ago, Jim Kerbow
Middle School Boy Athletes need to report @7:30am the remainder of the week.
about 4 years ago, Jim Kerbow
Veterans Day Assembly Wed. Nov. 11th 10:00am at the SEC https://www.itascaisd.org/article/334991?org=itasca-isd You can join us through Facebook Live as well on the Itasca ISD News Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/events/715309706032810/ Please call the Itasca High School if you are a veteran who would like to attend in person at 254-687-2922 ext. 115
about 4 years ago, Mark Parsons, Superintendent
Middle School Football Game Canceled for Thursday November 5th vs. Tolar. Due to COVID related protocols, there will be no game this week.
about 4 years ago, Mark Parsons, Superintendent
If you are planning to go to the LWC game in Mildred Saturday you have to buy tickets on their school website. There is a link on our website that will take to it. No tickets sold at the gate. Also, the varsity start time is at 12pm. Thank you
about 4 years ago, Stephen Montgomery
about 4 years ago, Mark Parsons, Superintendent
The Operation Christmas Child Deadline is almost here!!! https://www.itascaisd.org/article/316970?org=itasca-isd
about 4 years ago, Mark Parsons, Superintendent
Saturday’s start time for game in Mildred has been moved up to 12:00 with varsity playing first. JV to follow.
about 4 years ago, Stephen Montgomery
MS Football @ Tolar- Tickets are on sale @ the Depot from 11am-1pm Tuesday and Wednesday and in the Cafeteria during lunches.
about 4 years ago, Jim Kerbow
Join us November 12 from 6-7pm in the SEC to hear author Dennis Mitchell discuss his book "The Do's and Don'ts of Discipline." A light meal will be provided as well as door prizes and incentives for students who have a parent/guardian attend. Community members are welcome as well! Contact us at 2020info@itascaisd.net if you would like to attend virtually.
about 4 years ago, Amy Reyna
Nov Event
Girls' Basketball Scrimmage @ Riesel Tuesday @5pm. Seating is limited therefore each player will receive four tickets to pass out to their family members.
about 4 years ago, Jim Kerbow
MS Football will play two games this week vs Tolar. The Black Team will kickoff @ 4:30. Games are at Tolar.
about 4 years ago, Jim Kerbow
about 4 years ago, Mark Parsons, Superintendent
Playoff Volleyball!
about 4 years ago, Jim Kerbow
Lady Wampus Cat Bi-District Playoff Volleyball Game vs Collinsville tonight in Mineral Wells @6pm!
about 4 years ago, Jim Kerbow
The Itasca ISD Athletic Department would like to Thank our Itasca ISD Booster Club for purchasing a telescoping video camera system for our athletic program this will be a great teaching for our athletes here in Itasca!
about 4 years ago, Jim Kerbow
EZ Cam
HS Girls Basketball @ Mildred Nov. 7, 2020 Ticket Information- Visit the Mildred ISD Athletic Website click on the link labeled "Buy Your Tickets Here" Use Code EAGLES2020. Link: https://www.mildredisd.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=866822&type=d&pREC_ID=1808498
about 4 years ago, Jim Kerbow
about 4 years ago, Mark Parsons, Superintendent